Be Inspired : Energy & Money saving tips for 2014

With 2014 in full swing it's time to not only detox your body but also your home, as well as cutting back on treats why not cut back on bills and save money with some simple tips...

We know it's hard to keep costs down especially during the winter seasons but with these few easy steps you can keep bills down whilst still keeping warm.

Switch Off

Lowering your energy bills is as easy as switching a light off, in fact switching a light bulb off when leaving a room is one of the best tips we can give you.

Insulate your pipes

Properly insulating your pipes will preserve heat for longer, you can do this yourself with tubular-sleeve insulation, available in a number of widths it can easily be attached to your pipe, hold together with duct tape. Keeping heat in will decrease the need to heat water which in turn will lower your energy consumption.

Energy Efficient LED Bulbs & Fittings

LED bulbs and fittings may seem expensive initially but in the long run they work out cheaper. They produce the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs but last 25 times longer.

Seal up

Make sure you seal up any cracks and holes in walls and windows with weather stripping or some poly filler. Check for drafts coming under your doors or window ledges too, you can easily make your own draft excluder with a cheap pair of tights, some carrier bags and a few pebbles for weight!! Easy Peasy...

Dimmer Down

Light fittings with dimmer control allow you to increase or decrease the amount of light emitted all with one twist of a switch. The less light emitted the less energy you will be using which in turn will lower your electricity bills. Dimmer switches also help to create mood and ambience to a room which will help with SAD sufferers.


Even in cold climates the sun still makes an appearance, so don't leave your solar lighting just for the summer time. Solar lighting is really just free energy, you're using natural resources from our sun to provide light and other power to your home.

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